Empowering Your People for Success
There are many ways to measure leadership. One way is to assess how a leader is working to foster a strong workplace culture. Are they establishing and enforcing values? Are they holding people accountable? Most importantly, are they committed to empowering their people and creating a culture in which they can thrive?
How empowering people leads to success
Why is it important to create a culture of empowerment? Empowering your team means making them feel valued and involved in a meaningful way. It means providing them with the support they need to excel.
Research has shown that when a leader empowers their team, they build more trust. They also increase employee engagement. Higher trust and engagement mean that your team will be happier and more effective in their work. They are likely to participate more and offer more creative solutions to problems. Increasing engagement can also mean that you are better able to retain your employees.
Being an empowering leader
It’s clear that empowering your people is an excellent avenue to success for your team. But what exactly do great leaders do to cultivate a culture of empowerment?
Entrust your team with problems
A big part of empowerment is granting people the power to handle responsibility and trusting that they will succeed. Take a close look at a goal that your team currently has. Think about a challenge that you are faced with in order to achieve that goal.
For example, let’s say your goal is to improve engagement with your brand. Your organization has a presence across all the top social media platforms, but your accounts are not gaining much traction. A standout leader will work towards solving that problem by leveraging the brain power of their team.
Rather than simply delegating small tasks (ie. “Make one additional social media post per week”), they will show trust by delegating problem-solving (ie. “Spend time researching ways to improve our social media branding, and report your findings at next week’s meeting”).
Holding your people accountable for meeting your organization’s overarching challenges is an excellent way to build trust. It is one of the most empowering efforts you can make for your team.
Make a point of listening to your people
An empowered individual is one who feels heard. Be proactive about listening to what your team has to say–listen to their ideas and listen when they express what they need to accomplish their work well. Involve them in decision-making processes, especially when you are making a decision that will directly affect them. Consider holding regular check-ins to encourage your team to share their thoughts.
Show that you are consistent and committed
To effectively build trust and engagement among your team, be consistent in your attitude of empowerment. Show them that you are committed to supporting them and creating an environment that will allow them to thrive.
Leadership Coaching
LEAP’s Culture Development Program is designed to help you create a strong corporate culture so that you are fully equipped to lead your team to success. Contact us at (847) 212-4903 to chat with us and schedule an appointment.
Are you ready to empower your people and lead your team to outstanding success?